
For more Reviews see other categories and sub-categories

Modern Trends in Psychological Medicine, 1948 (ed. Harris)
1. S. B. Hall: Psychological Aspects of Clinical Medicine; 2. E. Weiss: Psychosomatic Medicine
Biochemistry, Schizophrenias and Affective Illnessess (ed. Himwich)
VV. AA.: Modern Synopsis of Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry
Lord Platt: Private and Controversial
Thomas & Sillen: Racism and Psychiatry
W. Mons: Principles and Practice of the Rorschach Personality Test
Theodor Reik: Masochism in Modern Man
Landis & Bolles: Textbook of Abnormal Psychology
L. J. Meduna: Carbon Dioxide Therapy
F. A. Pickworth: New Outlook and Mental Desease
1. Studies in Lobotomy (ed. Greenblatt); 2. A. Petrie: Personality and the Frontal Lobes
H. J. Eysenick: Dimensions of Personality
R. G. Hoskins: Lectures on Schizophrenia
Morris & Hawkins: The Honest Politician's Guide to Crime Control
Donald Powell Wilson: My Six Convicts
Maxwel Jones et al.: Social Psychiatry
Lecron & Bordeaux: Hypnotism To-day
Schizophrenia Today (ed. Kemali et al)
Lewis R.Wolberg: Medical Hypnosis
Searchlights on Delinquency (ed. Eissler)
M. Partridge: Pre-frontal Leucotomy
F. Kräupl Taylor: Psychopathology
Earl W. Stevick: Memory Meaning and Method
Fight for Education (ed. Cox & Dyson)
J. A. Howard Ogdon: The Kingdom of the Lost
Wendell Muncie: Psychobiology and Psychiatry
K. W. Monsarrat: Human Desires and Their Fulfilment
John Custance. Wisdom, Madness, and Folly
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Conditions
Frederic Wertham: Seduction of the Innocent
Edward Glover: Freud or Jung
Ralph Partridge: Broadmoor
1. David Abrahamsen: 'Who are the Guilty?'; 2. 'The Roots of Crime'
Sigmund Freud: Aus den Anfängen der Psychoanalyse
Psychology of Physical Illness (ed. Bellak)
C. D. Darlington: The Conflict of Science and Society
S. J. Holmes: Human Genetics and its Social Import
Aspects of Psychiatric Research (ed. Richter, Tanner, etc.)
William Heron: Clinical Applications of Suggestion and Hypnosis
Jean Delay: Méthodes Biologiques en Clinique Psychiatrique
Joseph Worthis: Soviet Psychiatry
Desmond Curran: Psychological Medicine
Jules H. Masserman: The Practice of Dynamic Psychiatry
Oskar Diethelm (ed.): Etiology of Chronic Alcoholism
Sir David Henderson: A Textbook of Psychiatry
Dwight L. Moody: The Primary Psychiatric Syndromes
Sidney Bloch and Peter Reddaway: Russia's Political Hospitals
John Pardey Crawford: Psychosynthesis
1. William Hunt: The Clinical Psychologist; 2. Progress in Clinical Psychology (ed. Brower and Lawrence)
D. Russel Davis: An Introduction to Psychopathology
P. H. Connell: Amphetamine Psychosis
G. W. Keeton: Guilty but Insane. Four Trials for Murder
Norman Malcolm: Memory and Mind
Clinical Genetics in Psychiatry (ed. Mitsuda)
Selected Topics in Medical Genetics
Martin Hollis: Tantalizers. A Book of Original Logical Puzzles
The Right to Abortion: A Psychiatric View
The Future of Man (ed. by Ebling & Heath)
Anthony Storr: Jung
Oliver Sacks: Awakenings
1. Clark and Penycate: The Case of Patrick Mackay; 2. Jim Orford: The Social Psychology of Mental Disorder
Konrad Lorenz: On Aggression
New Aspects of Human Genetics (ed. Ford & Harris)
Gordon Rattray Taylor: The Biological Time Bomb
H. H. Wolff: The Place of Dynamic Psychiatry in Medicine
Rothenberg & Greensberg: The Index of Scientific Writings on Creativity: Creative Men and Women