Review of 'The Reach of the Mind' by J. B. Rhine (1949)
Review of 'Very Peculiar People' by E. J. Dingwall (1950)
Review of 'ESP. A Scientific Evaluation' by C. E. M. Hansel (1968)
Review of 'Strange Things' by John L. Campbell and Trevor H. Hall (1969)
Review of 'Beyond Telepathy' by Andrija Puharic (1976)
Review of 'Superminds. An Investigation into the Paranormal' by John Taylor (1977)
Introduction to 'The Strange Case of Edmund Gurney' by Trevor Hall (1980)
Introduction to 'The Strange Story of Ada Goodrich Freer' by Trevor Hall (1980)
Lionel and Marianne. A Psychiatric Interpretation (1982)