Biological Psychiatry
Psychiatry As A Science
Manic-depressive Insanity
Schizophrenia, Epilepsy
Neurosis, Hysteria
Wartime Psychiatry
Genetical Factors
Clinical Psychiatry
Society, Individual
Euthanasia, Suicide, Death
Edward III
Notebooks, Word-Lists
Literary Essays and Reviews
Poems, Paintings, Colours
The Ebbless Sea
The Colour Imagery of Poets
The Colour Notebook
on Psychiatry
on Shakespeare
To Eric Sams
Letters to the Editor
Eliot Slater: Autobiographical Writings
On Eliot Slater
Conversation with Eliot Slater
Chronology, Work-List
Eliot Slater Prize and Lectures
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Modern Trends in Psychological Medicine, 1948 (ed. Harris)
1. S. B. Hall: Psychological Aspects of Clinical Medicine; 2. E. Weiss: Psychosomatic Medicine
Biochemistry, Schizophrenias and Affective Illnessess (ed. Himwich)
VV. AA.: Modern Synopsis of Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry
Lord Platt: Private and Controversial
Thomas & Sillen: Racism and Psychiatry
W. Mons: Principles and Practice of the Rorschach Personality Test
Theodor Reik: Masochism in Modern Man
Landis & Bolles: Textbook of Abnormal Psychology
L. J. Meduna: Carbon Dioxide Therapy
F. A. Pickworth: New Outlook and Mental Desease
1. Studies in Lobotomy (ed. Greenblatt); 2. A. Petrie: Personality and the Frontal Lobes
H. J. Eysenick: Dimensions of Personality
R. G. Hoskins: Lectures on Schizophrenia
Morris & Hawkins: The Honest Politician's Guide to Crime Control
Donald Powell Wilson: My Six Convicts
Maxwel Jones et al.: Social Psychiatry
Lecron & Bordeaux: Hypnotism To-day
Schizophrenia Today (ed. Kemali et al)
Lewis R.Wolberg: Medical Hypnosis
Searchlights on Delinquency (ed. Eissler)
M. Partridge: Pre-frontal Leucotomy
F. Kräupl Taylor: Psychopathology
Earl W. Stevick: Memory Meaning and Method
Fight for Education (ed. Cox & Dyson)
J. A. Howard Ogdon: The Kingdom of the Lost
Wendell Muncie: Psychobiology and Psychiatry
K. W. Monsarrat: Human Desires and Their Fulfilment
John Custance. Wisdom, Madness, and Folly
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Conditions
Frederic Wertham: Seduction of the Innocent
Edward Glover: Freud or Jung
Ralph Partridge: Broadmoor
1. David Abrahamsen: 'Who are the Guilty?'; 2. 'The Roots of Crime'
Sigmund Freud: Aus den Anfängen der Psychoanalyse
Psychology of Physical Illness (ed. Bellak)
C. D. Darlington: The Conflict of Science and Society
S. J. Holmes: Human Genetics and its Social Import
Aspects of Psychiatric Research (ed. Richter, Tanner, etc.)
William Heron: Clinical Applications of Suggestion and Hypnosis
Jean Delay: Méthodes Biologiques en Clinique Psychiatrique
Joseph Worthis: Soviet Psychiatry
Desmond Curran: Psychological Medicine
Jules H. Masserman: The Practice of Dynamic Psychiatry
Oskar Diethelm (ed.): Etiology of Chronic Alcoholism
Sir David Henderson: A Textbook of Psychiatry
Dwight L. Moody: The Primary Psychiatric Syndromes
Sidney Bloch and Peter Reddaway: Russia's Political Hospitals
John Pardey Crawford: Psychosynthesis
1. William Hunt: The Clinical Psychologist; 2. Progress in Clinical Psychology (ed. Brower and Lawrence)
D. Russel Davis: An Introduction to Psychopathology
P. H. Connell: Amphetamine Psychosis
G. W. Keeton: Guilty but Insane. Four Trials for Murder
Norman Malcolm: Memory and Mind
Clinical Genetics in Psychiatry (ed. Mitsuda)
Selected Topics in Medical Genetics
Martin Hollis: Tantalizers. A Book of Original Logical Puzzles
The Right to Abortion: A Psychiatric View
The Future of Man (ed. by Ebling & Heath)
Anthony Storr: Jung
Oliver Sacks: Awakenings
1. Clark and Penycate: The Case of Patrick Mackay; 2. Jim Orford: The Social Psychology of Mental Disorder
Konrad Lorenz: On Aggression
New Aspects of Human Genetics (ed. Ford & Harris)
Gordon Rattray Taylor: The Biological Time Bomb
H. H. Wolff: The Place of Dynamic Psychiatry in Medicine
Rothenberg & Greensberg: The Index of Scientific Writings on Creativity: Creative Men and Women