
What, then, is our conclusion ? Looking back over the long history of "hysteria" we see that the null hypothesis has never been disproved. No evidence has yet been offered that the patients diagnosed as suffering from "hysteria" are in medically significant terms anything more than a random selection. Attempts at rehabilitation of the syndrome, such as those by Carter and by Guze, lead to mutually irreconcilable reference. The only thing that "hysterical" patients can be shown to have in common is that they are all patients. The malady of the wandering womb began as a myth, and a myth it yet survives. But, like all unwarranted beliefs which still attract credence, it is dangerous. The diagnosis of "hysteria" is a disguise for ignorance and a fertile source of clinical error. It is in fact not only a delusion but also a snare.

I would like to thank Miss Vera G. Seal and Mr. Eric Glithero for the very great assistance they have given me in the work reported.


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